Thursday, January 15, 2009


Okay, I think I have finally figured this out. Thanks Shawndel for keeping the fire under me to get this going. :) I have wanted to blog for a long time but just couldn't figure it out. I would get frustrated and stop. But yesturday I had a horrible household accident and knew I had to figure this blog out to warn all of the women out there who use a microwave. So, as a busy mother sometimes does I bought a big microwaveable Lasagna from the store. Put that baby in for 15 minutes and as my daughter and I are doing homework hear the tell tell beep of "dinner ready!" So I open the door, start to pull off the plastic cover and ...... OOOWWWWWWWW!!!!! I screamed, sat on the floor, screamed more and looked at my fingers. Eww, really Eww and hurt worse than giving birth (thank you epidural!) I did not get burned from the sauce or the package it was in, I was burned by the STEAM that came out when I took the plastic off! The first thing Tony says to do is put butter on it. I remembered hearing that you should NOT do that. If you are ever in this situation, I am right. That is the Worst thing you can do for a burn. I put my hand in cold water on and off for three hours. Anytime I took my hand out my fingers felt like they were on fire!! I fell asleep at 10:00 and woke up to find my fingers didn't hurt as much as before but, well, you have to see for yourself! I will post pictures as soon as I get that part figured out. So ladies, please, as Tony told me he read the box the lasagna came in after my incident "Use EXTREME caution when removing the plastic cover from product after cooking"!! My first Blog entry typed one handed, Yeah!!

1 comment:

Shawndel said...

Good tip and good blog. I love the blog about your dad, too. Very sweet. You have a lot of good pictures.